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Cool As You Are

6 months of 1:1 coaching to (finally) see yourself as Cool™️

You know you’re cool af and you want to feel that truth live & breathe & exist IRL with someone who won’t give you another generic “jUSt tRuST youRSeLf mOre” line so you can finally settle into that cool, comfortable, a little cringey, very human badass you know you’re here to be.

Woman wearing dinosaur mask


Making being a human your reality

Getting unhinged with your "good" shit

Using your creativity as a catalyst to get out of your head & into your body

Defining what cool is, personally,  for you


A little voice inside your head that says "BUT WHAT IF I WAS A GOD?"

Continuously gatekeeping things from yourself until you're "worthy" of them

Overthinking every move you're making- especially if it's new

Feeling a lot of anxiety about how an actual you, that you like, will be received

You know you’re past the era of “rediscovering” your most authentic self every 6 months because you already have a core that you are in love with. When things aren’t going your way and that manifestation didn’t work out- the “advice” that you didn’t love or trust yourself enough is infuriating because this. is not. your issue.


You’ve done a shit ton of healing work to get here and it’s time to stop recommending that everyone else “feel their feelings” while you turn around and whisper to yourself “not me tho”.


With your creativity, humanity & all the special interests that give you shivers up and down your spine at the forefront- we'll craft a world for you, both internally and externally, that reminds you you're absolutely cool- even on days that are definitely not.

"A much needed reminder for me that I'm inherently creative & poetic."

“Dylan planned prompts with enough guidance that I had a direction to go, but they were loose enough that my own creativity could take a random turn here or there and be very much myself. The biggest thing is that I finally used “the nice notebook” because this workshop made me feel worthy enough to use my nice things. That might seem small but it was huge for me to decide to use this notebook for things that weren’t already planned out. Finding the poetry and letting it flow naturally, rather than trying to form it into a vision I tried to achieve, was a HUGE change from how I normally write. It was so freeing. I loved this entire experience.”

— Caitlin

Update: it’s a year later, and Caitlin is still using their “nice” notebook for their free form, unplanned poetry!


Let's get into the nitty gritty.

Because every person who signs up will be have a different overarching goal and specific needs, no one’s 6 months will look exactly the same. When you submit your application, we can chat more about what your specific needs are- and break down what our time together might look like (but also- you'll never have to hop on a "sales call" with me unless you just want to chat a little beforehand.)

Here's how it works:

Create Your Own Perfect World

    Not an idealized, good vibes only utopia- but a realistic reflection of what you are craving in your bone marrow to know you’re cool even on days that are definitely not.

Use The “Good” Shit

    The “good” paint, the “good” plates, the “good” dress that’s been collecting dust while you gatekeep joy from yourself until you decide you’re worthy of it? It’s time.

Unlock Your Creativity Catalyst

    We’ll experiment with modalities such as poetry, fanfic, and intuitive collage (among other creative endeavors) to get out of your head and into your body so you’re no longer overthinking what you’re putting out into the world. 

 Make Being Human A Reality

    You may “know” you need to treat yourself like a human, but the way it shows up IRL is completely different. Stop theorizing about “feeling your feelings” and bridge the gap between the uncomfortable "what you know" and "what you wish wasn’t true for you" though.

You’re So Cool

    With your own definition of what’s cool for you, you don’t just love yourself- you like yourself.

Here's what you get:

  • We’ll have 6 months together

  • An in-depth intake form so we can both prepare for our 6 months together

  • 12x 1:1 calls where we'll create and solidify your internal + external world- so you absolutely know you're cool.

  • Slack access to me so we can tackle everything that comes in the moment during our time together. That random thought that you don’t know why it came up but it did & now it’s tearing circles in your head making you sick? You made an art & want to share it with someone but no one gets it? There’s a slack for that. M-F 10am - 4pm CST

  • Personalized Creative Strategy No one-size-fits all; no reflection questions you’ve seen before that are keeping you stagnant. You can expect creative writing, artistic endeavors, and a coaching style not just tailored to your needs, but designed to harness your creativity to get you out of your head.

  • Your Own Personal Hub that will be home to everything we do together. All prompts, call notes, timelines, resources, action steps— one place, easy to access.

  • Creative Library Access A complete library containing 30 Poetry Prompts, 2 Creative Writing Challenges, 2 Creative Writing Workshops & 1 New Moon Ritual. Use these to stoke your creative fire & approach this season of your healing journey in a totally different way. You’ll also receive access to anything additional that I run during our time together including new digital downloads or group workshops.

  • All recordings of our calls, as well as transcriptions. Yours for life, of course.

There are only 3 spots total open. 

I work with a small amount of people at once because I want to give my best to each person. (And because I want to practice the types of things you and I both know but may not always allow ourselves to live out: what we “can” do and what we really can do and love to do 😉 )

Cost: $5,000.


With so many payment plans including ones through me, Affirm & Klarna. Let’s make it work! (& potentially barter!)

What will the application button do?

If you are interested in this program, click on any of the buttons on this page to be taken to an application form. The form helps me to get to know who you are and gets the process moving along. I don’t hop on high pressure sales calls, but you’ll be able to ask any questions, request a call if you want to chat face to face prior to joining or even just chat over dms.

What do you think? Are you feeling a little vibratey tingle like you should check out the application page? Click below ⬇️


"I was seeking help with my spirituality from feeling shame that I just couldn't get in my current path. I got more trust with myself that radiated into all other aspects of my life. I didn't feel judged by Dylan. Her perfectly tailored questions helped me suss out what I needed sussed! I feel like the ground underneath me is firmer- that's been lacking for so long. She's a gift!"


“I was feeling in a creative rut and exhausted from always having to ‘perform’ and execute with my writing. Dylan’s writing challenge cracked me open and let me reconnect with my inner teen in the best way. The prompts inside carve a path to your edgy creativity. Dylan's work is magical, truly.”


"The prompts really helped me connect to my younger self and unearth memories that were in the corners of my mind. Definitely got me in the zone to express and connect with an agro teen me without over-intellectualizing the process."


I'm Dylan King

A Trauma Informed Spiritual Coach whose work focuses on using creativity to help fellow neurodivergent folx unmask.

I’m here to stop asking you the same questions you’ve already answered & giving you the same responses you can pin on pinterest. I want to shake you up out of whatever gratitude list you’ve been writing over and over again like it’s thanksgiving dinner and you’re 13 years old being forced to smile at thanksgiving dinner even though you’re definitely in your emo phase.


I know how to honor your trauma, privilege, mental health, and lived experience. And while I can never promise a safe space, my work is anchored in supporting folks I work with find whatever a rooted sense of safety is for them. You don’t have to be completely healed to enjoy your life. You don’t have to be perfect or even run at full throttle towards your next goals 24/7. I believe you can do more of that bullshit everyone is always chatting about but not acting on. You know- actually being authentic and being human and accommodating yourself and being cozy and creative.


But instead of just talking about or knowing it’s good for you or posting it as an instagram reel- you actually do it. And if you do- you’ll not only find that you don’t lose those things you like about yourself that you may have been pulling your hair out about losing (like your drive or resilience or brilliance) but you can look in the mirror and realize: damn. I am cool.  

xx Dylan

Dylan King


Cool As You Are is for you if you're finding yourself to these...

You’ve been hoarding therapy tools like a goblin for the past 523098523792 years. And now you want to actually be able to integrate your knowledge into your life in a way that works for you.

You like growth, but you’re looking to feel more settled. Life is- by nature- chaotic. You want to be able to embrace new experiences and challenges without going into a complete tailspin.

You’re over the relentless pursuit of the “authentic self”. You're looking for support as you in root into what you already like about yourself.

High key you want to dive into your creativity, use the “good” journal, wear the “weird” dress, and truly not wonder if you’ll make money from a side hustle or if people will react badly.

But if you're still feeling unsure, the BEST way to find out is to send me an email. No high pressure sales calls- just talking through your thought process to see if it's the right move for you.


Cool As You Are

6 months of 1:1 coaching to (finally) see yourself as Cool™️

Everything included in Cool As You Are

6 months of 1:1 Coaching

In-depth intake form

12x 1:1 calls

Slack access to me

Personalized Creative Strategy

Creative Library Access

All recordings of our calls

What's the thing that'd make you stop feeling like a hot mess & finally feel cool?

The thing keeping you from reconciling everything you know logically and everything that's actually happening IRL?

Of course, logistically, you might be carrying the neurotype of a highly analytical, socially awkward, often overwhelmed by the sound of electricity type person. (Or- something like that bc everything is a spectrum).

But unlike some other gurus who will demand you fit into a very tiny box, tell your self love sucks every time you have a bad day, and push you to mask even harder- my space will take that sickening doubt in your stomach that if you be yourself, you're still not enough and turn it into: this is my favorite version of myself. And I'm going to revel in it.

Dylan King


Cool As You Are

Everything included in Cool As You Are

 Create Your Own Perfect World

    Not an idealized, good vibes only utopia- but a realistic reflection of what you are craving in your bone marrow to know you’re cool even on days that are definitely not.


 Use The “Good” Shit

    The “good” paint, the “good” plates, the “good” dress that’s been collecting dust while you gatekeep joy from yourself until you decide you’re worthy of it? It’s time.


 Unlock Your Creativity Catalyst

We’ll experiment with modalities such as poetry, fanfic, and intuitive collage (among other creative endeavors)  to get out of your head and into your body so you’re no longer overthinking what you’re putting out into the world. 


 Make Being Human A Reality

    You may “know” you need to treat yourself like a human, but the way it shows up IRL is completely different. Stop theorizing about “feeling your feelings” and bridge the gap between the uncomfortable what you know and what you wish wasn’t true for you though.


 You’re So Cool

    With your own definition of what’s cool for you, you don’t just love yourself- you like yourself.

So, how does applying work?



You'll be taken to an application form to provide information. Filling this out doesn't lock you into a purchase.



In your form, you have the option to select to be contacted via email, slack or video call.



We confirm any details- answering questions, talking about what your goals are, and (hopefully) scheduling your first session!

    Yup! I have certifications in: Life & Success Coaching Neurolinguistic Programming Hypnotherapy Emotional Freedom Techniques TIME Techniques Meditation Guide + Practitioner I am also have a BFA in Performing Arts, and have completed Trauma Informed Training.
    I am not a licensed mental health care professional. If you’re looking for support with a diagnosed mental health condition or trauma responsive care, this may not be the right fit for you. However- I have supported folx who did not want to work with a therapist or worked in conjunction with a therapist. If you’re unsure, please reach out so we can discuss further.
    I check slack multiple times a day, Monday through Friday between 10am and 4pm Central standard time. I am committed to responding within 24 hours but consistently respond the same day. I am highly active and involved in our communication. Everyone uses Slack differently. Some people choose to use it every day, some once a week, some even less! But across the board- I am eager and ready to be all in!
    $5000 for 6 months.
    So many!! Ones I can create through my own system, Affirm, Klarna and we can even look at making some barters. Let's talk about it :)
    Np! You can either fill out an application and we can talk through some questions or you can email
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