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Here you'll find blog posts, free guides, & resources centered around creative writing as a spiritual tool.

You don't need to be the next Shakespeare. 99.9% of my work revolves around "bad" writing that will never, ever, ever fall into a publisher's hands. You don't need a doctor's note telling you that you're definitely Neurodivergent™️ either.


The best place to start?
One word at a time.

Are you thrashing? 


  • Trying desperately to come up with the perfect solution to all your problems in your head before you make your next move

  • Drooling over the things outside of your comfort zone that you feel completely unprepared to do

  • Battling with yourself in a painful chaotic loop of “But what if that's not right?”

THRASH ERA is a FREE ebook to help you write your way through your inner turmoil today- one word at a time

Thrash Era: When Getting It Right Blocks Getting Anything Done by Dylan King

Finally. A blog about spirituality that isn't by a self-proclaimed guru & neurodivergence that isn't by an autism mom.

"Absolutely love I stumbled upon you. I just read your last blog. It’s VERY similar to my current journey."

"Omg you are speaking my truths."

"I read the latest blog and I loved it. I’m so excited for you to write more."

Explore workbooks, challenges & prompts to push your creativity forward

Dylan's work is magical, truly.


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