

A 2-hour workshop for deeply self-aware creatives who are thrashing between what they really want and what they’re supposed to say.

You’ve done enough healing work to know that there aren’t really any “supposed” to’s. That if you were “fully” healed, you wouldn’t feel frozen in space any time someone asks what your goals are- trying to build a nice, neat bridge between what your core is telling you and allllllll the perfectly executed visions you’ve picked up over the years.

This 2-hour LIVE workshop is your key to declaring that desirewithout clouding your thoughts with any I think’s, maybe’s, or some day I’d like to but I’m not ready for that…

Do you know what dreams are sitting at your core?

It’s probably the question you started your journey with: what’s my purpose? And one that you’ve tried to unravel with a pocketbook of affirmations, a strict regiment of meditation and a formula for manifesting your dream life. (*sparkle sparkle*)

Maybe it feels uncomfortable to admit that after all the accumulation of self-knowledge: you don’t always know what you want.

So you end up crafting a vision that seems good. Probably in a “I am so happy and so grateful that in 6 months I will have $100,000 and be smiling every single day.” format. It’s what people expect- now that they’ve seen you do that whole *growth* thing. Bing. Bang. Boom. Bleh.

Your journey isn’t over friend. And if you’re thrashing around, trying to force-channel your most authentic higher-self version to speak your truth in a highly manicured setting: then you’re frying your brain, flattening your potential and making it super easy to do absolutely nothing at all.

BadFIC is here to put your own words back in your mouth.

Decisively claiming your dreams without dressing them up to impress is KEY to cracking open your growth.

Herein lie the hurdles:

  • You do NOT like to create things that are below your standards- even on the first try.
  • You’re kinda worried that the manifestation gurus might eat your eyelashes if you don’t put the words on paper the exact right way
  • Your never-give-up mindset keeps you from wanting to go full force, too fast… just in case.
  • You’re not really sure what words to use to talk about what you want because all you’ve seen is random vague words like: authentic, grateful, confident.
  • Acknowledging your dance with self-doubt seems like a moral failing- even though you know it’s normal.
  • Using your own words sounds scary and maybe a little too raw.

Right now, you’re thrashing between what you’ve learned about yourself, all that beautiful self-knowledge you’ve acquired, and what you really want. And it’s time you put it into the world without agonizing over every single word, asking every person if they like it, and performing your “deepest desires” like your life depends on it.

"I was feeling in a creative rut and exhausted from always having to ‘perform’ and execute with my writing."

“Dylan’s writing challenge cracked me open and let me reconnect in the best way. The prompts inside carve a path to your edgy creativity. Dylan’s work is truly magical.”


You don't need another reflective question about being more authentic

The people I work with are PROS at self-reflection. So much so, that they easily get stuck in the thrash of what a “perfect” response might be to a question.

But there’s never a “perfect” response.

So let’s change the question.

The core focus of BADFIC is for deeply self-aware creatives like you to make clear-cut, decisive statements about what it is you really want, without dressing it up to impress anybody.

BADFIC is going to make sure you:

  • Cut Through The Performative Language There’s no room for performing your “best self” in this workshop- ensuring the words you write are a more realistic reflection of what’s on your mind
  • Break The Loop of the Perfect Phrasing Get cozy with spitting out what you want to say before it’s been reworked and overthought to death
  • Boost Your Own Clarity See what direction you’re being pulled written in your own words- without a sparkly filter draped over your dreams
  • Declare Your Desires No fluffy language, no bro-hustle-culture in another skin. Just your rawest words that give you butterflies.


A 2-hour LIVE workshop for deeply self-aware creatives who are thrashing between what they really want and what they’re supposed to say.

When you can sharply put your own dreams into your own voice without getting clouded by the hmms and hawws of outside input, you don’t have to keep overthinking what you’re doing and why.

Which will make pursuing your dreams not just easier– but enjoyable.

Dylan's workshop was a much needed reminder for me that I'm inherently creative & poetic.

“Dylan planned prompts with enough guidance that I had a direction to go, but they were loose enough that my own creativity could take a random turn here or there and be very much myself.

The biggest thing is that I finally used “the nice notebook” because this workshop made me feel worthy enough to use my nice things. That might seem small but it was huge for me to decide to use this notebook for things that weren’t already planned out.

Finding the poetry and letting it flow naturally, rather than trying to form it into a vision I tried to achieve, was a HUGE change from how I normally write. It was so freeing. I loved this entire experience.”

— Caitlin

Here's how it works

Book it, mark it, get set.

Dive into the highlighter packet. Roughly 20 minutes to already be on your way to declaring what *you* want.

Write the worst opening passage for a short, self-insert fanfic possible. Create your idealized “Mary Sue” without regard for spelling, grammar or levels of cringe.

Drop in the most confusingly painful plot twist to your narrative. An absurd (maybe kinda cool) but unexpected event that drops your edgy, inexplicably competent Mary Sue into an upside down situation they’ll have to somehow wriggle out of.

Comb through everything you’ve written so far, underscoring the pieces that are hints of what you *really* want to say

Merge your two universes into one, crafting a final act that paints your dreams more vividly than anything you’ve ever written before.

You’ve uncovered at least one dream that’s been on the tip of your tongue. Congrats!

After our workshop you’ll be able to submit questions and feedback, as well as access to the replay. I’ll answer your Q’s and support you as best I can post call.

Thank you for helping me reawaken my inner poet!!!
Thank you for being such an amazing guide and facilitator
I have a BFA in creative writing in poetry... it's so refreshing to see you showing things I haven't done in years.. and then I picked up a pen!

BadFIC is a LIVE 2 hour workshop for $47. Details below.

✅Quick-Hit Prep Packet

  • A focused pre-call packet to get your gears turning fast – roughly 20 min.

✅ The Full Two Hour Workshop

👉🏼Part One Of the Workshop: Brain Breakingly Bad (30 Minutes)

  • Create the most cringe-worthy self-insert (that actually soothes that untapped desire of yours)

👉🏼Part Two Of the Workshop: Painful Plot Twist (30 Minutes)

  • Challenge your inexplicably talented Mary Sue with an absurd turn of events to take their journey to the next level.

👉🏼Part Three Of the Workshop: Alternate Universe (30 Minutes)

  • Comb through your writings for the parallels between your current reality and the alternate universe you’ve just written

👉🏼Part Three Of the Workshop: And Then They All Clapped (30 Minutes)

  • Use the final act of your badfic to write the finale of your dreams more vividly than ever before

✅Workshop Wrap-Up: Reality Calling

  • Leave with a clear cut, decisive statement that reflects what *you* really want

Post-Workshop Implementation

  • Use your own words as your springboard for your next move

The Two Hour Call Recording

Full BadFIC Workbook

  • Your guide to moving through this thrash process again and again

Want to implement even deeper? Join the BADFIC Writing Sprint Challenge!

Join the 5-Day BADFIC Writing Sprint Challenge to get access to our exclusive Slack channel. Prompts sent out each day beginning 5/13. Build momentum with this writing sprint so your desires feel intrinsically yours every time.

Day 1: Mary Sue Mirror How does your ultimate self-insert live IRL

Day 2: That Happened Push the limits of what’s possible… in your writing and in your dreams

Day 3: Teenage Dream You’re just a teen on wattpad writing fanfic about yourself…

Day 4: Unnecessary Drama Every!!! Single!!! Emotion!!! Is!!! Heightened!!! Because!!!

Day 5: Epic Quest Your wildest dreams revealed in a treasure chest that only you can write.

Add the BADFIC Writing Spring Challenge on at checkout for just $27.



A 2-hour workshop for deeply self-aware creatives who are thrashing between what they really want and what they’re supposed to say.

I'm Dylan

I’m Dylan King: Trauma Informed Spiritual Coach & Creative Guide. 

I have a serious soft spot in my heart for the notorious badfic My Immortal, and an analytical brain that often has me going: don’t have answer; won’t do.

Maybe this is a big reason I love My Immortal so much: the audacity to be so openly cringe, to write so badly, to be a vampire, daydream about the things you wanted to be (very very goffik) while fighting the things you weren’t sure you wanted be (maybe kiss girls??) all while just getting to say: fuck it did you know that this thing I love is THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD.

This tool of exploration and audacity is what I’m offering to you in BADFIC. So if you’re sick of self-editing, even inside your journal. If you’re exhausted by the constant rehashing of how to phrase your goals so that *everything goes according to plan*. If you have big dreams, but sometimes you just wanna fuck around and not feel like you’re going to be crucified for it. Then BADFIC is for you.

Dylan King Spiritual Coach & Creative Guide


Tuesday, May 7th 10am CST- 12pm CST

You will have complete access to the recording + a thorough workbook.

No. There are no refunds.

You can email me at with any additional questions you have!

“The prompts really help me connect to my younger self and unearth memories that were in the corner of my mind. Definitely got me in the zone to express and connect without over-intellectualizing the process.

I love the reminders that I don’t need to make it so serious and deep!”
